
The P2G is an app used by Sagemcom to transmit Purchase Orders (PO) to its suppliers. This app is also used to transmit forecasts data and consignment data to the suppliers concerned.
It is important to differentiate the P2G from the other apps of Sagemcom (PIM2, BUYER, SHIVA2, DEMAT) :

Portail P2G EN
No, the app BUYER still remains for RFQ and for change request of supplier accounts
Connect to the app BUYER, "Client Relationship" menu, submenu " Company Information for Client", "Request for modification"
You can find resources in this section "FAQ". You can use the search bar by typing keywords that summarize your request. You can also check the training videos in the section "Training Room".
If you don't find the answer of your question, you can use the section "Ask my question" at the bottom of this page, or contact your usual purchasing contact if it is a business question.
No, the invoice process and payment process are managed by the Accounts Department of Sagemcom, please contact your usual interlocutor.
No, the shortage schedule is an internal tool of Sagemcom used for the following of critical procurements. Please contact your industrial purchaser if you need more details.
No, this kind of data is not loaded in the P2G. As a reminder, you should send this information to the "Substances" team of Sagemcom. If you have any question, feel free to contact

Get familiar with the app

The P2G can be used in : French, English and Italian. You can modify your language at any moment in the top band of the app.
2 features can be used to customize your displays :

- Customized filters : in the sebmenu "List of Purchase Orders", click on  Petite flèche  and enter your research  terms. If you want to do a multi-criteria reserach, you can add ";" between each term. Then, enter a name for your customized filter at the lower right corner of the pop-up window and click on  enregistrement  to save your filter. To modify a filter, select it and click on Petite flèche , then modify the needed terms and save the filter. To delete a filter, click on the cross on the right of its name. You can save up to 5 customized filters.

- Customization of columns : in the sebmenus "List of Purchase Orders" and "Detail of a Purchase Order", you can modify the order of the columns as desired. To do that, you can click on the column header (blue part of the table) and move the columns on the left or the right as desired. You can also click on "Columns to display or hide the columns as you want.
The app is optimized for the web browsers Google Chrome (v72 or later version),  Mozilla Firefox (v60 or later version), Microsoft Edge (v17 or later version) and Safari (v12.2 or later version). However, it also works with Internet Explorer (v11 or later version)
"Information" menu : you can find in this menu your information, Sagemcom contacts and the contacts of your company that can access the P2G.
"Purchase orders" menu : you can find in this menu all your orders, that you have to confirm either one by one or by using mass confirmation.
"Forecasts" menu (for the suppliers concerned) : you can find in ths menu the forecasts send by Sagemcom. You can also make a research by material number if you want.
"Consignment" menu (for the suppliers concerned) : you can find in this menu the detail of your consignment stock in Sagemcom factories (stock situation, movements and the list of Self-Billing Invoice). You can also make a research by material number if you want.
You can find resources in this section "FAQ". You can use the search bar by typing keywords that summarize your request. You can also check the training videos in the section "Training Room".
If you don't find the answer of your question, you can use the section "Ask my question" at the bottom of this page, or reach your usual purchasing contact if it is a business question.
No, the app P2G is a web app, accessible from a browser only. However, on an iPhone or an iPad, you can create a shortcut on your Home Screen :
- Open the app Safari and reach the login page of the P2G
- Press at the bottom    of the page and then press  
- If needed, modify the name of the shortcut, and then press "Add"
The shortcut is on your Home Screen.

Users management

In order to add a new contact, the following steps must be followed :
- "Information" menu
- "My contacts" section
- Click on FAQ img
- Fill in the form with the data about the new contact. Don't forget to turn on notifications if needed.
- Save the data, your request will be submitted for validation by Sagemcom administrators.
For your information : FAQ img notifications ON,  off notifications OFF
In order to modify a contact, the following steps must be followed :
- "Information" menu
- "My contacts" section
- Click on  FAQ img in the column "Actions"
- Modify the data as needed
- Save the data
For your information, you can't modify the email address of a contact. If needed, you have to create a new contact with your new email address and delete the old contact.
In order to delete a contact, the following steps must be followed :
- "Information" menu
- "My contacts" section
- Click on FAQ img in the column "Actions"
- Save the data, your request will be submitted for validation by Sagemcom administrators.
In order to change the notification settings, the following steps must be followed :
- "Information" menu
- "My contacts" section
- "Notification" columns
- Switch the notifications on or off as needed
For your information : FAQ img notifications ON, off notifications OFF
The P2G application is compliant with Sagemcom's Personal data protection policy . If you have any question, feel free to contact
In this case, in the click on "Forgotten password ?" in the offline page and follow the steps. If the problem remains, please contact the support.
No, in case of change or modification of your email address, you have to create a new contact with your new email address and delete the old contact.
Yes, you have to create as many accounts as companies you represent.
Yes, if one of your collaborator left your company, you must delete his / her account.

Purchase orders

One of the ways to display your purchase orders to be confirmed is :
- "Purchase orders" menu, "List of purchase orders" submenu
- Apply the quick filter "To be confirmed"
A filter may be applied, that can lead to an unfindable purchase order. In the "Orders" menu, "List of purchase orders" submenu, click on "Reset" close to the search box.
If you still can't find the purchase order you are looking for, it may be archived or cancelled.
If the problem remains, please reach your usual purchasing contact.
Purchase order confirmations are subject to tolerance, your confirmation may be outside the tolerance range, or the format entered may not be correct. For your information, the dates must be DD/MM/YYYY, and quantities must be numerical values.
If the problem remains, please contact support.
In order to confirm a purchase order, you can :
1) Use the "standard" confirmation, that is to say check the detail of a purchase order and follow the confirmation steps. In that way, you have to confirm PO items one by one.
2) Use the "mass" confirmation, that is to say go to the menu "Orders", submenu "Mass confirmation" and follow the confirmation steps. In that way, you can confirm several PO items at the same time.
In order to use mass confirmation :
- "Orders" menu, "Mass confirmation" submenu
- Export the file, in that way you download on your PC all the PO Items that contains quantities to be confirmed
- Fill-in the yellow columns ONLY (columns "confirmed quantity" and "Confirmed Delivery Date Incoterm"). If you want to enter a purchase order schedule confirmation, you can copy a line and insert it while being careful that you don't forget any field.
- Once the file is completed, drop it or select it in the "Import the file" area.
- On the bottom of the page, the "Confirmation errors" are separated from the "Confirmed purchase order items". Click on "Validate" button to confirm the PO items that doesn't contain errors.
Note : you can confirm all the PO items that are in the "Confirmed purchase order items" area, even if there are some confirmation errors that won't be taken into account after validation.
It is recommended to use the Chat function (discussion thread) of the app to contact Sagemcom users. To do that, click on  bblue  in the "List of purchase orders" or "Detail of a purchase order" submenus.
In order to download the PDF file of a purchase order :
- "Purchase orders" menu, "Detail of a purchase order" submenu
- Enter a part of the PO number that you are looking for and select the purchase order
- In this menu, click onFAQ img to download the purchase order form in PDF format
Note : the PDF file downloaded is the last version of the purchase order, that takes all the modifications into account
In order to download a list of purchase orders in an Excel file :
- "Purchase orders" menu, "Orders list" submenu
- If necessary, apply filters. Click on FAQ img and apply the requested filters or select a quick filter
- Click on  FAQ img and then FAQ img Export list of PO (XLS) to download the file that contains the purchase orders displayed on the screen
In order to download the purchase order stock in an Excel file :
- "Purchase orders" menu, "Orders list" submenu
- If necessary, apply filters. Click on FAQ img and apply the requested filters or select a quick filter
- Click on FAQ img and then FAQ img Export list of PO item (XLS) to download the file that contains the purchase orders displayed on the screen
To do this you have to activate the notifications for purchase orders :
- "Information" menu
- "My contacts" section
- Switch the notifications on for "purchase orders" to recieve the notifications
For your information : FAQ img notifications ON, off notifications OFF
For a minor error, it is recommended to use the Chat function (discussion thread) of the app to contact Sagemcom users. To do that, click on  bleu in the "List of purchase orders" or "Detail of a purchase order" submenus. For a more important error, it is recommended to reach your usual purchasing contact by email.
To send a chat message , you can reach the detail or a purchase order and click on the icon  blu  to open the discussion thread window. Write out your message and click on FAQ img or press "ENTER" to send it.
When you have a new message, it appears in the icon  blu  in the upper band of the window. le bandeau supérieur de l'application. Simply click on it and then on the notification to see the message.
Globally, the colors of the app mean :
FAQ img Initial state, no action expected
FAQ img Initial state, action expected from the supplier
FAQ img Intermediate state, action expected from the supplier
FAQ img Final state
FAQ img Final state - target
FAQ img Unusual state
The icons mean :
        1  PO item not confirmed, action requested
        2  PO item partially confirmed, action requested
        3  PO item modified, action requested
        5  PO item confirmed, no action requested
        5  PO item cancelled
No, not in the P2G. If you want to cancel or modify a PO confirmation, please report it by using the Chat function (discussion thread) to ask to Sagemcom teams to modify / cancel the PO..


You are probably not concerned by order forecarts. If you think you are, please reach support or your usual Sagemcom contact.

The forecasts are displayed in a calendar. The dates in this calendar are delivery date at incoterm. There are 3 types of data in this calendar :

   gris   Forecasts : indicative information about the coming purchase orders

   bleu   Not confirmed quantities : PO emitted in the P2G that must to be confirmed

   vert   Confirmed quantities : PO emitted in the P2G that are already confirmed

By clicking on the week number or the month, you can display the data in a table.

Forecasts data are updated once a week.

To do this you have to activate the notifications for forecasts :
- "Information" menu
- "My contacts" section
- Switch the notifications on for "forecats" to recieve the notifications
For your information :  FAQ img  notifications ON,  off  notifications OFF

In the top right corner of the window, click on FAQ img


You are probably not concerned by order consignment. If you think you are, please reach support or your usual Sagemcom contact.
To see the actual consignment stock situation :
- "Consignation" menu, "Consignment stock situation" submenu
The graph shows the top 10 components in consignment in Sagemcom plants (in terms of stock financial value), the table shows all the materials in consignment and their actual stock situation (quantity and stock value).
To see the actual consignment stock situation :
- "Consignation" menu, "Self Billinf Invoice (SBI) list" submenu
To see the consignment stock movements history :
- "Consignation" menu, "Movements history" submenu
The data are updated when they are available in the Sagemcom MRP.

To do this you have to activate the notifications for forecasts :
- "Information" menu
- "My contacts" section
- Switch the notifications on for "forecats" to recieve the notifications
For your information :  FAQ img  notifications ON,   off  notifications OFF

In the top right corner of the window, click on FAQ img

You still have a question ? Click here