Logo SFR

Rueil, 10 septembre 2019

Sagemcom et SFR annoncent le lancement du décodeur Box 8 Tv de SFR, co-développé par leurs équipes, un nouveau décodeur ultra puissant qui offre une image et un son de très haute qualité, associant également un assistant vocal pour piloter à la voix son expérience audiovisuelle et une enceinte intégrée.

Ce produit innovant appartient à la gamme de Video SoundboxTM, developpée par Sagemcom pour répondre à l’attente toujours croissante des clients pour des “box” agrégeant la fourniture de divertissements immersifs, commandés à la voix et des services d’assistant vocal.

Pour la partie vidéo, le produit est prêt pour la 4K HDR et le Dolby Vision, permettant une image plus riche en détails et en couleurs, avec un contraste très élevé. Pour le son, la compatibilité Dolby Atmos permet la restitution d’un son « comme au cinéma ».

L’assistant vocal intégré permet de piloter le décodeur au son de la voix. Sans télécommande, avec une interface utilisateur développée par Wiztivi, changer de chaine, mettre en pause un programme et le reprendre plus tard, rechercher un contenu en replay est désormais effectué de façon instantanée. A l’automne prochain, le produit intègrera Amazon Alexa®.

«Notre Box 8 SFR va instaurer un nouveau standard du divertissement grand public et des services connectés à la maison », déclare Grégory Rabuel, Directeur Exécutif Grand Public et Entreprises d'Altice France « Au travers de notre partenariat sur les technologies du foyer connecté, ce nouveau produit combinera les univers de la voix et du multimédia pour une expérience utilisateur sans précédent.»

Olivier Taravel, Directeur Général Délégué de Sagemcom, en charge de l’Activité AUDIO VIDEO SOLUTIONS, déclare : « Ce produit, en associant le meilleur de l’image, du son et de la voix, est un exemple de ce que Sagemcom sait intégrer dans ses produits. Nous sommes fiers de mettre notre expertise en co-développement et fabrication de produits Audio et Vidéo au service de nos clients ».


Orange logo

Rueil, 9 septembre 2019

Sagemcom annonce le lancement du décodeur Orange IWU 200, un nouveau décodeur 4K UHD compact et puissant, base sur le BCM72604, un des tous derniers coeurs numériques 4K de Broadcom, qui offre une image et un son de très haute qualité, et permet la conception de produits basse consommation.

Fonctionnant avec le middleware de SoftAtHome, ce nouveau décodeur Ultra Haute Définition restitue une image très contrastée, avec des couleurs riches et des détails à couper le souffle, le tout sécurisé par la solution de protection des contenus de Viaccess-Orca.

La plateforme donne accès également à un service de Multi Enregistrement développé par Broadpeak, avec un Enregistreur dans le Cloud doté d’un espace de stockage illimité, permettant des enregistrements multiples, même en simultané, sans surcharger la connexion Internet, et un service de télévision de rattrapage de 7 jours, mais également de reprise au début d’un programme en cours.

« Nous sommes très heureux de lancer ce nouveau décodeur et cet Enregistreur Cloud. Ce faisant, nous démontrons que nous sommes un opérateur de télévision à part entière, offrant le meilleur des fonctionnalités vidéo pour la consommation des contenus. », déclare Artur Stankiewicz, Directeur B2C Marketing et Numérique d’Orange Pologne.

Olivier Taravel, Directeur Général Délégué de Sagemcom, en charge de l’Activité Audio Video Solutions, ajoute : « Ce nouveau décodeur, qui intègre les dernières innovations de traitement du contenu 4K, est un produit basse consommation parfait pour la migration complète des utilisateurs vers l’Ultra HD. Pouvoir participer à la mise sur le marché d’un tel produit est une réelle satisfaction pour Sagemcom ».


Tremondi logo

Hamburg, 13th June 2019

The smart meter gateway (SMGw) SiconiaTM SMARTY IQ from Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus is interoperable with the gateway administration software from TREMONDi, a joint venture of Wilken and IVU.

Another important step towards interoperability of smart metering systems (German: iMSys) was taken jointly by Sagemcom and TREMONDi. Along the technical guideline TR-03109 of the German Federal Office for Information Security, comprehensive test cases were tested with regard to the LMN, HAN and WAN interfaces, the communication links and protocols as well as the metering data processing of the SiconiaTM SMARTY IQ in combination with the TREMONDi GWA software. All tariff application cases supported by the gateway (TAF 1, TAF 2, TAF 6, TAF 7), which have a high relevance for the balancing of power consumption, were successfully tested.

The two companies are working together to ensure that the seamless interaction between the GWA software and SMGw is promptly included in the revision of the type examination certificate of the SiconiaTM SMARTY IQ. Through the comprehensive compatibility test, Sagemcom demonstrates that the smart meter gateway not only meets all security and data protection requirements, but also interacts with downstream smart metering system components in a highly standardized and future-proof manner. Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus is promoting the smart meter rollout in Germany with its intensive interoperability efforts.


About Sagemcom
A French high-tech group of international dimensions, Sagemcom operates on the broadband (set-top boxes, Multi-Gigabit gateways), smart city and Internet of Things (founding member of LoRa Alliance) markets.
With a revenue of 2.05 billion euros, Sagemcom employs 4,000 people on five continents. Sagemcom aims to stay a world leader in communicating terminals with high added value.

Platform provider of solutions for smart meter gateway administration that supports the integration of SMGA processes with all established billing and industry systems for the utilities industry. The platform is operated in two geo-redundant data centers in Ulm and Norderstedt, which meet all requirements of the technical guideline TR- 3109-6 and are certified according to ISO 27001. With its platform Tremondi supports both the basic responsible as well as the competitive measuring point operation (gMSB/wMSB).

Media Contact TREMONDi
Press’n’Relations GmbH – Uwe PAGEL
upa@press-n-relations.de - www.press-n-relations.com

Smarty BZ

Hamburg, 20th May 2019

The smart electricity meter SiconiaTM SMARTY BZ, developed by Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus, receives European MID certification. The meter is now available for German smart metering market.

The approval of the digital three-phase meter was preceded by an extensive multi-stage test procedure. In the type examination according to Module B, it has been proven that the SiconiaTM SMARTY BZ respectively its LMN interface fulfils the PTB requirements 50.8 for measurement and calibration. With Module D for Sagemcom's own production facility, the second approval stage was successfully completed, so that the new smart meter can now be put on the market.

The SiconiaTM SMARTY BZ offers an innovative electricity meter to the German energy market. Sagemcom’s comprehensive smart metering know-how in development, production and delivery has been intensively incorporated into the SiconiaTM SMARTY BZ meter. Energy companies, grid operators, metering companies and municipal utilities will benefit from this.

In its construction as a 3-point meter, the SiconiaTM SMARTY BZ is a legally compliant modern metering device (mME) for the German market and was developed on the basis of the current FNN specifications for digital electricity meters. The SiconiaTMSMARTY BZ is available in the following product types: single-directional meter with backstop and bi-directional meter – each in 60A and 100A versions. The device configuration offers the customer the option of additionally activating the readout of RLM metering values, as well as the grid function, which provides information relevant for the network operation.

The certified meter from Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus is suitable for the smart meter rollout in Germany. In combination with a smart meter gateway, the smart meter forms the so-called smart metering system (iMSys). As a solution provider for the entire iMSys, customers can purchase the digital electricity meter pre-assembled with a SiconiaTM SMARTY IQ gateway.




sagemcom logotype

Hamburg, 31th January 2019

The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has commissioned Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus to create a scenario-based demonstrator for the E-World 2019.

The demonstrator will be presented for the first time to trade visitors and interested guests at the BSI booth (hall 4, booth 4-114). The aim of the demonstrator is to show the functionality and future fields of application of smart metering systems (German: iMSys) as well as the safety features required by the BSI.

"By implementing a functioning fair demonstrator within a short period of time, we can demonstrate the maturity of our comprehensive smart metering solution and the functionalities of our individual hardware and software components, such as the SiconiaTM SMARTY IQ smart meter gateway, the SiconiaTM SMARTY IQ-IO control box, the SiconiaTM SMARTY BZ basic meter and the Sagemcom Fröschl GWA/EMT system," reports Timo Weng, key account manager at Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus GmbH. "In this way, future energy supply systems, which make up an essential part of the digitalization of the energy system transformation, can be experienced by the audience".

The functionality of the smart meter gateway (smgw) SiconiaTM SMARTY IQ in the various networks is primarily visualized at the BSI booth, for example the local metrological network (LMN), the home area network (HAN) or external access via the so-called WAN interface (TR-03109-11). Real meter data is transmitted from a digital electricity meter SiconiaTM SMARTY BZ and a water meter via the LMN interface to the smgw and is then forwarded to the Sagemcom Fröschl GWA/EMT software via a WAN interface. After successful authentication, the end consumer can check load values and feed-in in real time via the HAN interface.

In addition to the fair demonstrator, Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus realises a second portable demonstration solution for the BSI in the near future. Additional interactive application cases will be implemented, such as the process of spontaneous readout including the installation of the tariffing profile, or the necessary steps for the registration of a service technician at the gateway.

Learn more about the comprehensive smart metering system:
Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus & Sagemcom Fröschl E-world booth: 3-444 in hall 3


WiFi 6

Hamburg, 23th January 2019

At the E-world 2019 in Essen, Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus introduces the basic meter SiconiaTM ‘SMARTY BZ-PLUS’. The digital three-phase meter is suitable for use in smart metering systems. It offers, in addition to the functionalities of an FNN basic meter, further user-friendly features.

One of the trade fair highlights of the E-world is the premiere of the digital electricity meter SiconiaTM ‘SMARTY BZ-PLUS’. From the 5th to the 7th of February the new product from Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus will be shown in hall 3 at booth 3-444.

"The basic meter was very stringently aligned to customer requirements. A large number of user-centered features can be used to considerably optimize various processes related to the installation and operation of the SiconiaTM ‘SMARTY BZ-PLUS’," explains Jan-Marvin Keilig, product manager for ‘Basic Meters’ at Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus GmbH.

The SiconiaTM ‘SMARTY BZ-PLUS’ is compliant with the current FNN specifications for digital electricity meters in Germany and will be available in the following versions: one-directional meter (+ A) with backstop and bidirectional meter (+ A and -A). One special feature of the SiconiaTM ‘SMARTY BZ-PLUS’ compared to a FNN basic meter is, among other things, its 2-button operation. The additional buttons increase the usability of the display in addition to the common “optical button” (light impulse via torch). Moreover, theSiconiaTM ‘SMARTY BZ-PLUS’ can also be read out in the de-energized state with the help of an integrated power supply (battery). This simplifies the warehousing process and increases the employee safety. Another user-friendly feature is the integrated D0 interface, which not only allows meter data to be read out permanently, but also to be parameterized via an additional software provided. The integrated real-time clock and calendar make it possible to use tariff tables without a connection to an external switching device.

If required, the SiconiaTM ‘SMARTY BZ-PLUS’ can also be supplied with non-billing-relevant load profile functions (RLM) and network-relevant GRID functions, such as frequency or voltage. This makes it a much cheaper alternative to a real load profile meter (RLM).

In Germany, a digital meter, a so-called modern metering device (mMe), together with a smart meter gateway (SMGw) forms the smart metering system (German: iMSys). While the mME electronically determines the power consumption, the SMGw serves as a communication unit by transmitting meter data safely from the connected meter to authorized market participants, such as the metering point operator. End users can also access their own power consumption through an iMSys. The aim of an iMSys is to promote the digitization of the energy transition by intelligently linking energy generation and consumption in the distribution network.



Smart Meter Rollout

Essen / Hamburg, 27th November 2018

Innogy Metering is conducting a lifecycle test with two SiconiaTM "SMARTY IQ" smart meter gateways manufactured by Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus. In this special test, both the meter operator and the manufacturer check the requirements of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) for smart meter gateways.

Meter operator innogy Metering and manufacturer Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus complete the lifecycle test together as part of the BSI approval procedure for smart meter gateways (CC certification). The Assurance Life Cycle (ALC) test enables the gateways' lifecycle processes to be tested by connecting them to the real PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) system – from the secure supply chain to proper disposal.

“By conducting the lifecycle test with our partner innogy Metering, we are demonstrating our high standards of data protection and data security and, on the other, both companies are showing that they are ready for the smart meter rollout,”, sreports Raik Handsche, key account manager at Sagemcom Neuhaus GmbH.

The starting point of the ALC test was the delivery of the SiconiaTM "SMARTY IQ" gateways from Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus' protected production area in Rostock. A Sagemcom team transported two pre-personalized devices in a high-security PIN-protected transport box of manufacturer Lock Your World and handed them over to the innogy Metering team in Essen.

The start of operation – also called personalization – of the devices will now be carried out via the gateway administration system of innogy Metering. “The ALC test with the gateways from Sagemcom Dr. Neuhaus is a very important step on our way to a smart meter rollout. It gives us the opportunity to test our processes and systems under real conditions. Among other things, we will implement tariffs (Tarifanwendungsfälle) on the gateways and test the metering data reception to the external market participant (EMT),” explains Stephan Rödiger, engineer for communication technology at innogy Metering. In addition, innogy Metering is also testing the over-the-air transmission of a firmware update, which will be particularly important in light of future requirements for the second-generation (G2) of smart meter gateways.